Award of Excellence Winners
Presented by
The Forbes Travel Guide Award of Excellence by Baccarat is a lifetime achievement award that celebrates individuals who have made a significant economic or social impact through their careers. Forbes Travel Guide announces the Award of Excellence annually at The Summit, the premier gathering where travel and luxury meet, to honor visionary leaders in hospitality.
Roger Dow
Roger Dow

Former president and CEO
U.S. Travel Association
Lisa Lutoff-Perlo
Lisa Lutoff-Perlo

Former CEO
Celebrity Cruises

Experience the Highlights

Beautiful Moments Captured from our Award Ceremonies
  • image 2024 / Roger Dow
  • image 2024 / Roger Dow
  • image 2024 / Roger Dow
  • image 2023 / Lisa Lutoff-Perlo
  • image 2023 / Lisa Lutoff-Perlo
  • image 2023 / Lisa Lutoff-Perlo